Monday, July 20, 2009

hello whats i neglect all of this i cant give a damn...alright renovation starts now....

whats goin on in my life?? lets see self personal vacation till august when i will finally return to hardwicke with the gays thrown out and a new regime taking over and im back on the crew...atleast a job untill i can finally find the sort of job that i want...first of i will redo the blog...redo mostly everything...hehehe

so what have i've been up to? spending decent time with parents..unregular sleeping times catching up on naruto...attended my godsisters modelling pageant...which she won..and me a very very proud godbrother...

life at home...well mostly on the laptop looking thru reviews...latest things....movies..series.....downloading...dont know why been having a war addiction i am currently the proud ruler of the celestian empire which spans three star systems whats the game? its called sins of a solar empire...the best science fiction game ive come to love

lovelife?? well got a few....i think....i miss my baby the most...have not been in contact with her for awhile cause i told her why i cant call her for the time being...

further more updates shall be done soooooooooooooooonn

piece's out

1 comment:

  1. it's not a modelling pageant. it's a beauty pageant. lol... and finally u came back to blog after such a long hiatus. extremely long.
