Friday, July 24, 2009


sometimes i think this world could do better if there was no money involve
sometimes i think this world could do better if there was no wars
sometimes i think everything in the world is screwed up and has gone beyond repair

all those activist...enviromentalist....protestors...all yearn for world hunger to stop...yearn for wars to be eradicated...yearn for money to be forever there and noone poor...yearn for all worlds to be first world...why the hell u have to rate a country as third world....first world...second and so on...yet all this will never happen...why because for a simple fact that we are humans...

humans have always been a race then never learns from mistakes..has not one but two world wars taught you nothing? and what is power? by the might of your how u control the worlds economy??humans..have a simple weakness...arsenic yes...but in the sense of thought and humanity...our heart has a hole a void that can never be filled nor always wants more and an endless abyss..a blackhole where even time is absorbed and smerged out...humans..i weep for our race......why your ask me why there are racist? coz what? one is is is red one is black and so forth..ever thought of looking at the rainbow? how many colours does it show? that justifys your authority to compare the colour of your skin? coz inside..your organs..your dna..your hair...your bones are all the equal and same genetic composites and sequences...if humans never change how they think or how they determine whose who..and why or what? we can never be united..the very concept of united nations is crumbling..we've seen it before...history has showned it....we go on like this and we doom our own species..nowonder other beings..aliens as we put it...deny acknowledging our existance...we are a young race not fit to walk the stars.that giants walk upon...we will never be long as we have not met with peace of our finally seal that void and stop killing one another...there should be a higher code that no human shall harm another .....the matters of honour and slowling fading away for our text books..the young ignores it...the old preserves it and the present are too bother with their own affairs and go by...every human for themselves...

im ashamed to be human...people ask me why i dont read the newspapers..or see the news...because i already know what they are showing..its always the same dominated sports...terrorist...disasters natural and man has been the same and always will be......

the day will come when the last great war will fall upon which we will be consumed by our own the very tools we create for the sake of country our our greed...milions will die from the start..and soon entire species..swepted away...the earth reborned.....whole and new....till the day it goes supernova..when the life of the planet i wish i do live till the day i see the ending of our i wish that it will never come to be..but i know it shall come..its only a matter of time

i think like a minbari...i observe like a minbari...i feel like a minbari..i speak like a minbari

i am that which is not born of that race but is of that race i come from the stars and i shall return to the stars when that day is upon me..i am a shadow who lingers of the light that signs my existance.....without it i am consumed......i am the candle that stands in the light and go where no others venture,,in Valen's name i call myself in valen's name i return to the stars keep what ive seen..learn from my mistakes..and in valen's name i shall know peace...
quotes from the spiritual leader of the minbari..valen once know as jeffrey sinclair a human who turn minbari...babylon 5

you learn alot from science fiction..the ideas..the thoughts...the concepts...all are logical to me...

piece's out!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

its all good...or wait it aint?

well having some nice decent time of from the working life is darn good i must say but it gets boring after awhile..especially if u are not having an actuall holliday or goin somewhere or making it a point to go find your girlfriend thats a two and half hour flight from you....hmmm

just the other day i got a call from a guy whose a friend of me mate...he rang me up asking whether im interested for a job...located in autocity...near to my home...and finally i dont have to hear constant bickering from me folks....blah!!......

since im bout to get a new got two...hmmmm ponder....wat shall me do.....which to take......hmm let you know many things to do so little resources to do so.... girlfriend's a priority...hmmm lately im not being a goody goody gumdroppy boyfriend....sometimes its tough she is so demanding of me....coz im not starting to think how she gonna be when we get married...ugh...nightmares......

talking bout my war addiction...i just destroy seven alien races combine military which at first were my allies...till i found out they were just using it to get their forces into position for a full blown strike against me....unfortunately for them im a good fortifier and exactly 15minutes from their first strike...lets say what remained of their so called combine fleet was reduce to one heavy cruiser two war carriers and one squadron of time boys...check your intelligience reports before entering celestian homeworld and all strategic province and outposts were so heavy fortified with automated planet defences and each bearing their own defence fleet...if u were my you think u can even penetrate all of them to get to my capital playing an online game...makes me think are there no decent strategist or decent empire builders to fight against those who play sins of a solar empire and eve online...i dare you...try coming near to celestian so and u get to shake the hand of emperor atreyu in the alternate i gotta build a battle station and place a station in a recently made neautral teritory for peace ...cause im at the state where my empire is to vast to oversee everything....i need a peacefull time so i can oversee the provinces so i can determine which are worth defending .......thanks to recent war finances are treaty gonna have to be made...damn...gotta get all this done before i start working again....if not i dont have that sort of time im having now....till my next post...

piece's out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss u baby...i miss your voice...i miss our webcam sessions..i miss teasing you i miss making you angry..i miss arguing with you..i miss you yelling at me..muak!!!!!love from all the way in penang baybeh!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

hello whats i neglect all of this i cant give a damn...alright renovation starts now....

whats goin on in my life?? lets see self personal vacation till august when i will finally return to hardwicke with the gays thrown out and a new regime taking over and im back on the crew...atleast a job untill i can finally find the sort of job that i want...first of i will redo the blog...redo mostly everything...hehehe

so what have i've been up to? spending decent time with parents..unregular sleeping times catching up on naruto...attended my godsisters modelling pageant...which she won..and me a very very proud godbrother...

life at home...well mostly on the laptop looking thru reviews...latest things....movies..series.....downloading...dont know why been having a war addiction i am currently the proud ruler of the celestian empire which spans three star systems whats the game? its called sins of a solar empire...the best science fiction game ive come to love

lovelife?? well got a few....i think....i miss my baby the most...have not been in contact with her for awhile cause i told her why i cant call her for the time being...

further more updates shall be done soooooooooooooooonn

piece's out