Monday, December 29, 2008

an update 27&28 andddd th 29

well neglected the blog for awhile since i was busy enjoying myself on saturday 27th i found myself with nothing much to i started calling people up to see whats on their list...receipient one''baboon'' busy.....receipient two''ben'' not a word'' receipient three''isabelle'' finally told me she gonna go mois with her girls from kl so alrite she ask me if i wanna come i said i love to but remembering im broke i was reluctant fortunately for me my buddy dino has a bottle there after much negotition i manage to get him to i went home and bath after sending the little boy home.."remind me to talk about his little childness'' got stuck in jam %&&&^ all the home bath and zoom like superman back to workplace to wait for nice he gave me a glass of whiskey neat on the rocks..thank god i ate a decent amount of butter to not get drunk..pretty usefull remedy if your drinking and dont want to get drunk..take butter!! it reallie works i was sober the whole nite even thou i had to go table hopping and cheering with a whole load of friends i thought i never see after so long not was a hectic night but i had fun releasing stress pity too crowded to shuffle love the music that was spinning

and to the 28th sunday ....before attending a family bbq at my aunts place..i started packing my things for my new home...woke up kinda late but pack nearly 40% of rubbish for clearing in less then 30minutes im happy with myself ^0^ hehehe...then went to the was alrite..loads of unknown..till i saw my friend who's also a friend of my cousin elissa, have not seen her since i left college but she looks great..kinda cute with the short was around till 10 and during the time i spend there..i was ask by my aunt to teach her creme brulee and creme caramel...well being a chef and she is my favourite aunt..i sure will show her how i move i flow hehhe....hey..i gotta show off from time to time... after the bbq metup with my mate kevin the kenyan....we went segafredo at Upr for a drink ended up having supper there...cabonara since my dear sis ate my chic rice''take guna'' chit chatting all the way till 1 it started continue till 2 and went home and slept for work

on the 29th a boring afternoon at work...did mise en place for harvey's economy rice...did my prep for new year eve..laze around till my dad pick me up since the car was in the shop for service in the morning..came home bath laze around saw some darling little goddaughter aka my niece was in her day time nap moods ended up manja potting with me....till it was time to work...went to work...boring..did up some lovely lemon curd that goes well with a lemon drizzle cake kevin did in the afternoon..and after that...i was free..laze around..only had two customers but end up having after everything is done..send the little boy home as usual...came home round 12 and end up posting this...and right now im thinking where the hell is my sms...misscall her no response..don't know which hole she died and whithered in..nvmind...wait till her birthday and our anniversary which falls on the same day..i'm gonna sulk ngek ngek!!

piece's out

1 comment:

  1. "don't know which hole she died and withered in.."???
    ok. i shall let her know. so she can awake fr d hole n strangle u 4 saying dat. lol...
