Thursday, January 1, 2009

31-12-08 bye bye hello 2009 bah!! another year

started to be a cheery day when i receive a call from darling..that brighten up my day with the first words saying ''honey happy new year i get to love you for a whole new year'' ^o^...aww pity she's all the way in phillipines for me to even do the count down with her..but we did on the phone....reallie reallie need to see missing her way to much..and now hey its 1.1.2009 january...a whole new year which unexpected event..but one thing gets me up is that around the corners january 15th will be a happy day nomatter im stress at work or people annoyed me way to much...why?? it's my baby's birthday and also our anniversary and since im not gonna be there to spend it im sending her some money to enjoy it..imagine Rm200 is 2187.50php her im pretty much a rich guy say her folks... and also to treat her family on my behalf since they are so accepting of me considering the distance...imagine the first month i was her boyfriend im already made godfather to her eldest sister new born daughter and her mother already calls me son....yikes...pai seh since i have not met the folks..but my girl has put it a good words about how much of a darling i am ngek ngek pandai la she...

i spend that nite at work...enjoying free booze but remarkably sober..the kenyan was piss drunk and started babbling all over in work mate in the kitchen was like the bomb...drank a whole glass of wine like water and not drunk coz he taught me the butter nomatter how much i drink im still not drunk lolz...after a decent 3 to 4 hours there i head to UPr with the kenyan and the stoner's.......for awhile before i head back home coz kevin wanted me to drop him there and he bought me a round...i went home at 3 slept..woke up at 9 with banging on the door from mum.....went to work...boring!!!!! came home at 2 after talking to bro about the possibility of the well knwn supposed closure that never seems to be announced yet hmmmm a reallie big hmmmm to that...oh well...atleast i do have back up plans which i planned with bro....

so now i will face 2009 with the resolution to be a better boyfriend.a better son...get a better job with a far better salary hopefully singapore... and also the resolution to make my career international...nomore staying in malaysia and work..its time to go explore new places learn new hardships and be better and respected for what im good at since i hold no allegiance anymore to ''wickehouse'' i turn down many offers to work overseas and nomore shall i be so nice to people who down appreciate me......

piece's out!!! and happy new year!!! kudos to all who face a new year filled with unknown challenges fight the good fight!!! and also run the good run if your too coward to stand for yourself

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